by Makaela | Mar 1, 2019 | Beliefs, Belonging, Brain Management, Brain Reprogramming, Deliberately Transformed, Goals, Habits, Identity, Life Coach, Mindset, Personal Growth, Results Coach, Stories, Stories From Our Subconscious, Transformation, Transformational Coach
As a kid, I moved around a lot. Every two years, we were upping stumps and moving to another state, because my Dad was in the Army. I was forever changing schools. I was always the new kid. Every single time I would just get settled into a school, making my way into...
by Makaela | Feb 22, 2019 | Beliefs, Brain Reprogramming, Business Coach, Deliberately Transformed, Goals, Habits, Life Coach, Mindset, Personal Growth, Stories, Stories From Our Subconscious, Subconscious, Thoughts, Transformation
#2: STORIES FROM OUR SUBCONSCIOUS: WHY I NEVER BELIEVED I WAS SMART I spent most of my life up until my late-twenties believing that I was not at all smart. I couldn’t do anything that required any sort of brain power. I had worked in jobs that didn’t require much...
by Makaela | Jan 23, 2019 | Bright Shiny Lights, Business, Business Coach, Change Can Be Hard, Coaching, Course, Deliberately Transformed, Fear Of Failure, Financial Independence, Find Your Why, Life Coach, Mindset, New Business, Passive Income, Procrastination, Start Up, Stories, Stories From Our Subconscious, Subconscious, Transformation
#1: WELCOME TO STORIES FROM OUR SUBCONSCIOUS (& I’M NOT A SWIMMER!) In addition to my regular blogs, I am starting a mini-series called Stories from the Subconscious. It’s a collection of stories from myself and people I have met who, while working on their...