The Cycle of “Unbelonging” .. and How I Became My Own Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

The Cycle of “Unbelonging” .. and How I Became My Own Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

As a kid, I moved around a lot. Every two years, we were upping stumps and moving to another state, because my Dad was in the Army. I was forever changing schools. I was always the new kid. Every single time I would just get settled into a school, making my way into...
Stories from our Subconscious #2 – Why I Never Believed I Was Smart

Stories from our Subconscious #2 – Why I Never Believed I Was Smart

#2: STORIES FROM OUR SUBCONSCIOUS: WHY I NEVER BELIEVED I WAS SMART I spent most of my life up until my late-twenties believing that I was not at all smart. I couldn’t do anything that required any sort of brain power. I had worked in jobs that didn’t require much...
Welcome to Stories from our Subconscious – # 1

Welcome to Stories from our Subconscious – # 1

#1: WELCOME TO STORIES FROM OUR SUBCONSCIOUS (& I’M NOT A SWIMMER!) In addition to my regular blogs, I am starting a mini-series called Stories from the Subconscious. It’s a collection of stories from myself and people I have met who, while working on their...