by Makaela | Mar 1, 2019 | Beliefs, Belonging, Brain Management, Brain Reprogramming, Deliberately Transformed, Goals, Habits, Identity, Life Coach, Mindset, Personal Growth, Results Coach, Stories, Stories From Our Subconscious, Transformation, Transformational Coach
As a kid, I moved around a lot. Every two years, we were upping stumps and moving to another state, because my Dad was in the Army. I was forever changing schools. I was always the new kid. Every single time I would just get settled into a school, making my way into...
by Makaela | Feb 25, 2019 | Beliefs, Brain Reprogramming, Business Coach, Deliberately Transformed, Goals, Habits, Life Coach, Mindset, Personal Growth, Results Coach, Stories, Thoughts, Transformation, Transformational Coach
I’ve always had an interest in psychology and did a few psych subjects as part of my Human Resources Degree at uni, but instead of pursuing that as a career, I went the Business and HR path. However, I am an avid reader and always have a few books on the go, most of...