Welcome to Stories from our Subconscious – # 1

Welcome to Stories from our Subconscious – # 1

#1: WELCOME TO STORIES FROM OUR SUBCONSCIOUS (& I’M NOT A SWIMMER!) In addition to my regular blogs, I am starting a mini-series called Stories from the Subconscious. It’s a collection of stories from myself and people I have met who, while working on their...
The Ups, Downs and Fears of Starting a New Business – Part 2

The Ups, Downs and Fears of Starting a New Business – Part 2

So I thought I had it all figured out… until I didn’t. I had my goals all written up and planned out. I had my course outline, and some content written, but the more I looked at it, the more I didn’t recognise it. I was suffering comparisonitis and worrying too much...
The Ups, Downs and Fears of Starting a New Business – Part 1

The Ups, Downs and Fears of Starting a New Business – Part 1

Starting a new business can be as scary as hell! But, also so damned exciting and when you get it right, it is so bloody rewarding! I can’t even begin to describe the feeling of freedom that being your own boss brings. So much flexibility with all sorts of things....