by Makaela | Aug 1, 2019 | Beliefs, Birthday, Deliberately Transformed, Emotions, Feelings, Goals, Habits, Identity, Life Coach, Mid-Life Awakening, Mindset, Personal Growth, Reflection, Stories, Thoughts
Birthdays are a perfect cause for reflection. A time to sit back and reflect on what we’re grateful for, how far we’ve come and where we’re going in life. I feel like every birthday is the chance to reflect and redirect with a fresh start and a chance to...
by Makaela | Mar 12, 2019 | Beliefs, Brain Hacks, Brain Management, Brain Reprogramming, Brain Science, Deliberately Transformed, Emotions, Fears, Feelings, Goals, Habits, Identity, Life Coach, Personal Growth, Stories, Thoughts, Transformation
Last week, in celebration of International Women’s day, I wrote how so many of us women are letting fear and anxiety rule our lives, by not pursuing our dreams, our passions, our life’s work, etc, out of fear and anxiety. Frankly, so many of us are being held back in...