by Makaela | Mar 7, 2019 | Anxiety, Beliefs, Brain Hacks, Brain Management, Brain Science, Business Coach, Deliberately Transformed, Fears, Feelings, Goals, Identity, International Womens Day, Life Coach, Mindset, Self-Doubt, Thoughts
In celebration of International Women’s day, I wanted to dedicate today’s blog to talking about women. I am so very passionate about women achieving their own financial security, for a variety of reasons, but mostly for two big reasons. Firstly, women need more in...
by Makaela | Feb 25, 2019 | Beliefs, Brain Reprogramming, Business Coach, Deliberately Transformed, Goals, Habits, Life Coach, Mindset, Personal Growth, Results Coach, Stories, Thoughts, Transformation, Transformational Coach
I’ve always had an interest in psychology and did a few psych subjects as part of my Human Resources Degree at uni, but instead of pursuing that as a career, I went the Business and HR path. However, I am an avid reader and always have a few books on the go, most of...
by Makaela | Feb 22, 2019 | Beliefs, Brain Reprogramming, Business Coach, Deliberately Transformed, Goals, Habits, Life Coach, Mindset, Personal Growth, Stories, Stories From Our Subconscious, Subconscious, Thoughts, Transformation
#2: STORIES FROM OUR SUBCONSCIOUS: WHY I NEVER BELIEVED I WAS SMART I spent most of my life up until my late-twenties believing that I was not at all smart. I couldn’t do anything that required any sort of brain power. I had worked in jobs that didn’t require much...
by Makaela | Feb 18, 2019 | Brain Reprogramming, Business Coach, Change Can Be Hard, Course, Deliberately Transformed, Fear Of Failure, Goal Setting, Goals, Habits, Intentions, Life Coach, Mindset, New Year Resolutions, Personal Development, Personal Growth, Self Sabotage, Transformation
Resolutions Schmesolutions! And just like that we are half way through February! Where on earth did January go? I would love to know if you made a new year’s resolution and whether you kept it! I’m not one to make new year resolutions anymore. I used to be, but like...
by Makaela | Jan 23, 2019 | Bright Shiny Lights, Business, Business Coach, Change Can Be Hard, Coaching, Course, Deliberately Transformed, Fear Of Failure, Financial Independence, Find Your Why, Life Coach, Mindset, New Business, Passive Income, Procrastination, Start Up, Stories, Stories From Our Subconscious, Subconscious, Transformation
#1: WELCOME TO STORIES FROM OUR SUBCONSCIOUS (& I’M NOT A SWIMMER!) In addition to my regular blogs, I am starting a mini-series called Stories from the Subconscious. It’s a collection of stories from myself and people I have met who, while working on their...
by Makaela | Jan 21, 2019 | Bright Shiny Lights, Business, Business Coach, Change Can Be Hard, Coaching, Course, Deliberately Transformed, Fear Of Failure, Financial Independence, Find Your Why, Life Coach, Mindset, New Business, Passive Income, Procrastination, Start Up, Stories, Subconscious, Transformation
So I thought I had it all figured out… until I didn’t. I had my goals all written up and planned out. I had my course outline, and some content written, but the more I looked at it, the more I didn’t recognise it. I was suffering comparisonitis and worrying too much...